- Our focus is healing current relationships, Team Building & expanding the voter & donor base, using a Precinct Strategy.
- We will support all of our endorsed candidates and focus on a Republican trifecta in 2026.
- The rules will apply to everyone consistently & justly.
- All Executive Committee meetings, including financials, will be open to all delegates via Zoom & in person, except for when personnel issues are being addressed.
- Meeting minutes will be posted on the website.
- No meeting or convention can adjourn when delegates are waiting to be heard.
- We will completely revamp our website, including a portal where delegates & BPOU officers can communicate, get current & accurate voter data, and access training materials, templates & forms.
- We will have an events calendar where all BPOUs can input events.
Our Transition Team has been working diligently for almost 3 months in preparation to step in and hit the ground running.
The Team is made up of MNGOP loyalists, current & former candidates for office, Fundraising professionals, Marketing gurus, Financial wizards, lawyers, retired business executives, IT nerds and hard-working Republicans. Every one of these individuals are considered experts in their respective areas.
There are a number of committees that need immediate attention: Finance, Nomination, Conventions, Rules, Constitution & By Laws, and State Fair.
Election Integrity
We must have voter ID laws put in place.
We need to:
- Have proof of citizenship & residency.
- Have one ID in Minnesota that covers everything.
- Same day, in person voting with an exception for the infirmed and military serving outside of the State.
- Any person or official who violates these laws SHALL be prosecuted and, if applicable, removed from office.
Laws must be passed to protect unborn children. I can see where being a Christian and supporting abortion can cause a moral dilemma. Our tax dollars kill babies.
Until we can pass laws protecting all life, perhaps we can use the model another State uses, where a CHECK BOX on the State tax return allows taxpayers to not have any of their tax dollars go to funding abortions.
If we don't take control of the Minnesota House this year, they will pass physician-assisted suicide for all in 2025.
Read MoreMandates & Medical Freedom
The founding fathers could not even conceive that any institution, much less government, would even try to impose medical tyranny. We need a Constitutional Amendment for Medical Freedom!
Read MoreBalanced Budget
We already have a balanced budget amendment on the books. Why aren't we following it? We need to follow the same budgeting format as any other business.
At a minimum, we need to make spending match revenue. Just like every household in Minnesota.
Since Omnibus bills are unconstitutional, perhaps we should charge and arrest any legislator who votes on an Omnibus bill.
Read MoreSchool Choice Amendment
Parents should be deciding where and how they want their children educated, not the government. The Minnesota constitution says that Minnesota has to provide for a public education. I think “public” should be removed.
A voucher system should be in place where a parent can take the voucher and present it to the learning institution for reimbursement. The amount would be the same for every child in Minnesota. If it is a private education, the parents would need to pay the difference. In the case of homeschooling, the parents would be paid the voucher amount, but guidelines would need to be in place to insure the child's education needs are being met.
The Page Amendment was working its way through committee. However, hidden in there, they are trying to change Minnesota from a Constitutional Republic to a democracy. Please look this word up. A democracy is really another term for mob-rule! A Republic protects all citizens, including minorities.
As an example, a bill is voted on and it's a straight party-line vote. Regardless of the number, the bill wouldn't pass without someone from the minority side voting for it. That is a Constitutional Republic!
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Senior Tax Relief
Once a person starts to draw Social Security, those funds should not be subject to income tax. Minnesota is one of 12 States that taxes Social Security.
Also, property taxes should be frozen or eliminated to protect our seniors. They wind up having to choose between eating, buying medication & other necessary items or paying property taxes.
This absolutely needs to happen. They currently don’t tax military retirement. Is there a difference?
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Term Limits Amendment
I have signed the Term Limits Pledge. Not having term limits encourages graft, corruption, cronyism and abuses of power. It is one of the main reasons why we are in the mess we are in now.
Campaign finance laws need to be changed. Any candidate running for a Minnesota office can only use donations received by individuals. PAC money should be illegal. In a House race, donations can only come from that HD and SD races can only accept donations from people in the SD. CD candidates can only accept donations from individuals inside the CD. Statewide candidates can only accept donations from individual State residents. If we don't do this, the candidate with the most PAC money will win every time. No grassroots candidate will ever win.
Read MoreConstitutional Carry & Stand Your Ground
Refer to the 1ST Amendment Sanctuary section- same law applies. As a 20-year Army Veteran, who could possibly think they can teach me anything about weapon safety or have the authority to require me to attend a class every 5 years on gun safety, so I could carry a weapon? Constitutional Carry needs to happen!
Read More1st Amendment Sanctuary
42 USC §1983 “provides a cause of action for the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws by any person acting under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory.”
First, the Plaintiff must specifically identify the constitutional right of which he or she was deprived. Second, the Plaintiff must assert that “the person who deprived him of that federal right acted under color of state or territorial law.”
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2023 Legislative Session UPDATES!
Starting in January 2023, I will be posting updates to the Minnesota legislative session. This will be a One-Stop Shop for everything being addressed.
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2024 Minnesota Legislation Bills Passed
2024 Legislative Session Updates:
Abortion without restrictions.
Legalized kidnapping of minors to conduct transition therapy without parental consent. No minor should be allowed to transition.
Anyone with a Minnesota ID can vote. You don't have to prove citizenship.
A 1,496-page Omnibus Bill was given to the Senate 1 hours and 20 minutes before the end of the session. The Bill passed without 1 Republican voting for it. I don't know about you, but I can only read about 1 page a minute. Omnibus Bills are Unconstitutional in Minnesota!
Read MoreFull Disclosure- Texas Incident & Chair Application
This is a start to how my tenure as MNGOP Chair starts- Full Disclosure
In here, you will see the revised application & court record summary.
In 1984, to save my military career, I pled guilty for failing to timely return a TV cable box. It was a misdemeanor, a $200 fine & 180 days probation.
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