We have been continuously let down by the current chairman. He does not listen to his constituency and obfuscates his agenda. Hoping that Bret can be the voice of We the People. Let’s get to work and drain the MN uniparty swamp! — Lindsay Desrosier
I became involved in our local BPOU shortly after the pandemic, when I recognized that something was seriously wrong in our country. It was around this time that I met Bret, and since then, I’ve had the privilege of working closely with him. He earned our unanimous vote to serve as chairperson, and over the years, he’s consistently demonstrated exceptional leadership. What I respect most about Bret is his unwavering integrity. He treats everyone with fairness and respect, regardless of their background or position. He lives by a strong moral code, and it guides every decision he makes. In addition to his ethics, Bret is always willing to help anyone in need, and he does so with genuine care and commitment. Under his leadership, our small group has grown significantly. Bret has gone above and beyond to ensure that every candidate is given equal time and opportunity. More than that, he has actively supported the candidates our delegates have chosen, dedicating time and resources to help them raise money and reach their goals. I know of no one more qualified, capable, or committed to fulfilling the role of State Chairman. Bret has the vision, experience, and integrity to lead us to the success we so desperately need in the Republican Party. I have full confidence that he will make an outstanding Chairman, and I am proud to endorse him. — Christine Gagne
BPOU Finance Chair
Bret is running for MNGOP to serve the Republican Party fairly and Constitutionally. I know this to be true as Bret has worked tirelessly to follow the MNGOP Constitution as well as helping other Counties to are stuck in an unconstitutional warp. Ottertail County Grassroots Patriots owe Bret so much as he spent his time, money and expertise on trying to get the MNGOP and CD7 to follow the Constitions and recognize 468 dualy elected Delegates/Alternates in Ottertail County. The current system is broken and corrupted not only in OTC but all the way to the MNGOP. We need Bret to make things right in the Republican Party of MN. Please help me support Bret Bussman in 2024! — Sheri Meis