Balanced Budget
Anyone who does not support this is a socialist or worse. In the Summer of 2021, they voted to increase the State’s budget by 9%. They gave AG Ellison a 17% increase his budget. Was that so he could prosecute all those people & businesses who refused to comply with the mandates?
They also set aside taxpayer money to provide no-interest loans to businesses that were destroyed by the riots. Isn’t that why we pay insurance? So, was this really an insurance bailout? When Mayor Frey did nothing, he became liable. Go after his Surety Bond!
Let’s talk about what’s happening now. They’re wondering what to do with the surplus tax revenue they have right now. How about lowering taxes? Crazy talk, right? I am pleased with the fact that my tax dollars went to: $12 million for electric car plug-ins, paying children to get the law-violating jab, $12 million Zoo walkway, and many other PORK projects.
In 2018, when there was another “budget surplus”, they used our money for things like: $3 million for the Minnesota Zoo Garden, $1 million to the Blaine Sports Center, $10 million to the MET Counsel for Parks & Trails and another $10 for miscellaneous trails in the state. This is only a few of the PORK items.